Sunday 30 September 2012

White torture, a response to Kyle (Or, the six people who are cooler than you but you never knew where cooler than you but are actually way way cooler than you).

Welcome back Kick ass diction critical annalists.
Firstly, Kyle is wrong. He is trippin' like a nun on MDMA. Just crazy wrong. His tendency for murder is bordering sociopath, he just wants to see people die. I would rather have my flesh eaten from by bones by hungry Justin Beiber fans than actually watch Easternders. His one poor reason, was not creditable and his rebuttal was basically childlike and well disappointing. So I am right because I am Conall.

If Kyle doesn’t post again. I killed his sociopathic murdering arse, for disrespecting Masterchef Australia. #Justice

On with my post. This one is catchily titled, ‘People who are cooler than you but you didn’t realise where cooler than you. But are actually way way cooler than you.’
I hope you not only purvey my opinion, I hope you look into the people on the list, and wallow in your own socially rejected misery.

1.       Lenny Bruce
A comedian from the late 50’s early 60’s. He was erm, a bit erm, radical? He was one of those opinionated people who voiced there opinions, sound like anyone you know?
‘A lot of people say to me, 'Why did you kill Christ?' I dunno, it was one of those parties, got out of hand, you know.’ He was arrested for indecency, and pissed off(on) Americans almost as much as Sadam Hussain, but he belittled their tiny fat arses. But like Sadam, his weapons where given to him by America, and he poked fun at republicans, politics and the politically correct revolution began.

2.       August Sanders
A German post WW1 photographer, famous for his portraits. He’s like the shaggy of the photography world. He may look like Hannibal lector, but I’m sure he is warm and fluffy inside. Well he’s probably mostly jellified rotten flesh now… But anyway, he was a socialist in Nazi Germany. And that is cool.

3.       Louis Armstrong.
He can play, cornet, trumpet, scat sing, has an airport names after him and can sing the pants of all your mama’s, sisters and aunties. Simultaneously. But he wouldn’t because he’s a stand up guy. Plus get this right, everyone loved him in an America full of racists. Plenty cool.

4.       Sir Ian Mckellen
On a graph of you to Sir Ian, your like maybe a o.7 Gradient at best. This mans coolness is exponential. Not only is he a Shakespearian actor, he played Gandalf ergo is the coolest man alive. Also his episode of extras is my favourite.

5.       Carl Sagan
The man who made physic’s cool. Pale blue dot is one of my favourite things ever.
When I think of cool I think of this man, he combines cutting fashion sense, physics, wit and a general humanist outlook on life. -1^(1/2) less than 3 Mr Sagan.

6.       Miguel Angel Jimanez.
Three simple reasons why he’s so cool.
His name, is the best name ever.
He’s a professional sportsman and his warm-up is to smoke an expensive cigar.
He’s nickname is the mechanic, because his love for driving really expensive cars. Like a boss.

I hope you will now realise there are many, many people cooler than you. Looking upon this list I have decided if I could become a combination of these people, I’d be an actor, playing a golfer in a soul musical, who has radical socialist views, swears a lot and loves astrophysics. With a massive personality disorder, depression, lung cancer, have everything I mean burnt by Nazi’s and be rejected by American society.
Everyone would probably hate me, but it would be so awesome.
And that’s how Conall See’s it.

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