Friday 8 June 2012


Hello readers!

So, this is my second entry in as many days. After posting my opening attempt at a blog yesterday, Im proud to say I had nothing but positive feedback! This did wonders for my confidence, and has inspired me to continue further in this venture. I would like to say however, after acquiring many opinions on the suggested interval between blogs, I setteled on weekly. I shall now post one brand spanking new entry every Friday.

So, at the end of my first blog, I said I would educate my friends on British Slang. However, after realising that the majority of the page viewers are infact British, I need more time
on that. I will go out, research, and THEN release an informative blog on the many variations of the colourful English language, such as: "Safe G" and "wacky backy" Yes that last one is hilarious.

So what will I be rambling on about today? Good question! I've decided today that I shall muse. For those who did not look up that word on the free online dictionary, it means to be lost in thought. I will start with the thought of my upcoming South Africa trip. Of course I plan on seeing friends, but as South Africa does schooling wrong, you will unfortunatly be in school the majority of the time. So I need other things to do. Any ideas or thoughts, contact me! So, that's thought one. Thought 2 is a look back on my day. I decided to eat lunch at McDonald's, and while eating I see a women eating a rather large salad. I know what your thinking, why put this is in a blog!? Well, I'm musing! I looked at this and I thought, surely ordering a salad in McDonalds is like ordering a microwave in Sports Direct? Again, these are all just thoughts

I decided to end this week's entry with a coupke of mentions as well as something that will be the way I end all future blogs. Thank you very much to Lisa Crofts, Holly Sullivan and Illa Gaitskill for VERY positive reviews, as well as Conall who threatened me, so I will mention him

My quote of the week: (Will sometimes be funny, sometimes be serious, depending on how I feel)

"I'm pretty sure YOLO is just Carpe Diem for stupid people" - Jack Black

Thanks for reading!

Bye for now! :)

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