Friday, 15 June 2012

From Biltong To Yorkshire Puddings

Well hello there!

Once again, thanks for clicking on the link which leads to the rants and raves of a 16 year old teen.

So, wondering about the title? Well let me clear things up for you. In my first blog I explained how I'm basically from two countries. I got pretty used to living in South Africa, now I live in Yorkshire (North of England). So, that explains my title. From Biltong (a favorite food in SA) and Yorkshire Pudding (A favorite Yorkshire food). For those who don't know, biltong is dried meat, and Yorkshire pudding is NOT pudding! *gasp* It goes well with gravy and beef. So, away from the food, this entry is about the main differences between SA and England.

1. The People
One thing I found in SA, was that you were never far away from a nice person. People were friendly. School was a pleasure, simply because of the friends.
In England..... well... finding someone who doesn't want to make me question an entire generation of parents is like trying to find a non-foreign England cricketer.
Winner: South Africa

2. The Government
Ah, the ANC. The current party in power in South Africa. Status: Openly Corupt. The president of SA has been on trial for rape, and they like to treat themselves with new cars and houses with tax money. Jealous England?
Now, I've never really understood English politics. But I do know that if they are corrupt, they hide it rather well. And, as I have a friend who is on his way to Oxford to study politics, I will consult him and get back to you
Winner: England

3. Crime
Oh yes, it's the never ending debate. I'll start with South Africa. So, i'll say that living in SA isn't the safest thing ever, but it is not as bad as people make it out to be. If you act safely and don't act stupid, you'll be relativley safe.
Now, England. As someone who goes to college here, and who has a brother in school, I will say that it is scarier here. Not because of the grown up criminals, but the youth. I have a game where I try guess how many people are carrying knives. I just feel like they feel that if they are messed with, it's crime time.
So the first shock of the tournament Winner: South Africa

So, I will continue this next week, and name a final winner.


Thanks for reading guys!

Bye for now! :)

Friday, 8 June 2012


Hello readers!

So, this is my second entry in as many days. After posting my opening attempt at a blog yesterday, Im proud to say I had nothing but positive feedback! This did wonders for my confidence, and has inspired me to continue further in this venture. I would like to say however, after acquiring many opinions on the suggested interval between blogs, I setteled on weekly. I shall now post one brand spanking new entry every Friday.

So, at the end of my first blog, I said I would educate my friends on British Slang. However, after realising that the majority of the page viewers are infact British, I need more time
on that. I will go out, research, and THEN release an informative blog on the many variations of the colourful English language, such as: "Safe G" and "wacky backy" Yes that last one is hilarious.

So what will I be rambling on about today? Good question! I've decided today that I shall muse. For those who did not look up that word on the free online dictionary, it means to be lost in thought. I will start with the thought of my upcoming South Africa trip. Of course I plan on seeing friends, but as South Africa does schooling wrong, you will unfortunatly be in school the majority of the time. So I need other things to do. Any ideas or thoughts, contact me! So, that's thought one. Thought 2 is a look back on my day. I decided to eat lunch at McDonald's, and while eating I see a women eating a rather large salad. I know what your thinking, why put this is in a blog!? Well, I'm musing! I looked at this and I thought, surely ordering a salad in McDonalds is like ordering a microwave in Sports Direct? Again, these are all just thoughts

I decided to end this week's entry with a coupke of mentions as well as something that will be the way I end all future blogs. Thank you very much to Lisa Crofts, Holly Sullivan and Illa Gaitskill for VERY positive reviews, as well as Conall who threatened me, so I will mention him

My quote of the week: (Will sometimes be funny, sometimes be serious, depending on how I feel)

"I'm pretty sure YOLO is just Carpe Diem for stupid people" - Jack Black

Thanks for reading!

Bye for now! :)

Thursday, 7 June 2012

My First Cliche Blog

Well, this is my first blog. As you will have noticed, the title shows that my blogs will be about my life, points of views and various other observations as a 16 going on 17 year old teen living in Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Right, now that the boring parts out of the way, lets get down to business. First of all, I would like to apologise for any grammatical errors I WILL make. Im sure my blogs will be quite the adventure for all you Grammar Nazi's out there! Secondly, I would like to put across my aim for this blog. Most bloggers wish to have their blogs talked about and shared all over the place. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't the same. I too have this aim. However, I am aware of the reality. So I fall back on Plan B. To keep my friends and family (and a few strangers) updated with the happenings in my life, as well as a laugh every now and again. If you could share my blog, that would be great! But I'm sure many of you have grand reputations to uphold, so if sticking to reading is your thing, that's also great!

Now that I've covered the gist of my blog, I'll cover the writer, ME. For those who don't know me, my name is Kyle Shiels. I have had the privilege of growing up in two different countries, those being England and South Africa. Both great countries, and the inhabitants of each will forever argue over which one is better. I will undoubtably make many referances to both during my time blogging, as I consider each to be my home. I do promise to have one of my entires focus on the pros and cons of each, at the end of which I will name a victor! (which will be purely based on opinion)

So, I've all but finished my first blog. I tried to include all of the cliche things you expect in a first blog, though if I haven't, let me know in the comment section, and I will include them in my next entry!

I hope you have enjoyed reading my first cliche blog. My next blogs won't be so common, as I will try to educate my South African friend's in: British Slang 101

Thank Yopu very much for reading! I look forward to my next entry for all you blog readers!

Bye for now! :)