Tuesday 8 January 2013


Hello there. My name is Kyle. Why am I telling you this piece of information? Well, it's been so long since I posted, that you've probably forgotten me. I trust Conall has kept you entertained? No? Well, that doesn't surprise me.

I got to thinking about the purpose of blogging, and how this blog doesn't really follow the rules. The title of this blog is The Life And Times Of A British Teen(s). I.E, Conall and I. Now, it can be argued that we aren't the perfect picture of typical "british" teens. I myself having lived in Africa for most of my life and Conall.. well, Conall is Conall. So yes. Not the perfect portrayal. But together, I think we do an alright job of putting forward a half decent blog, when we can bothered to post.

So, moving on to my point, the typical British teen. Tonight, at the drama club Conall and I attend, I played what I saw as the typical British teen. But, then I realised, there is no 'typical' teen. While a massive cliche, we all have these things that make us different. Brian, (The teen I played), was a chavy, abused (apparently), bully. Who just wanted to be loved. Kyle (me) is a socially recluse, non-drinking, non-smoking, too afraid to try anything new kinda guy. One at a time please ladies.

So, while this post may not have had any point, or reason, it was just to say that Conall and I will continue posting, and continue to be us. Whoever that may be.

Thanks for reading.

-Insert sign off phrase here-


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